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Gods Plan for Me

I was at the lowest point in my life. I had already made up my mind that this was the last day, the last moment, of my life.  At that moment I was ready to do ‘it’, looking up at me was three precious gifts from God.  They had the look (with their eyes) of please mommy, don’t leave us, we need you, we love you, and we were created for you.

God works in ways we do not understand. I would have never believed that God could use three precious Shih Tzu’s to spare a retched sinner.  He not only caused me to fall madly in love with them but that they would play a pivotal role in my life.

While this is a book about my life, it is far from about me.  It is a testament of the POWER of God and what He can do IF we are willing to let Him have His way in our life.

With each step of my journey, the amazement is more than I feel I can describe and the struggles are immense. I have no qualifications, nothing to make me think I could take on this project. I am in over my head, not like a person who is drowning, but one that has no clue as to what they are doing and how to proceed.

Just the same, as the people that God picked were the unconventional choice, not the top rated draft pick, and not qualified to do the job in the eyes of man, (those are not the ones that matter anyway), yet they accomplished the mission.

God knows what’s in the heart! They overcame their own shortcomings in order to complete the task. They were fighting a fight with their own flesh and that is exactly where I come in. I am nobody, plucked from obscurity and that is why God chose me for this task. It is not because of who I am or the skills that I posses, but my willingness to do as He asked of me.  The task is monumental, the road ahead is steep, and I am climbing a mountain in the dead of night.

There is no way I can succeed on my own. Knowing that God is there to lead, and guide me, I will press on ever diligently because this is ALL FOR HIM, for His glory and His honor!

It is as if God is peeling back an onion (me), one layer at a time.  He has a plan for me just like He does for you.


 I have said hundreds, if not a thousand times, I don’t understand.  It is not for us to comprehend, just to do as we are told.

 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

 I haven’t held a job in many years and the skills I did have, well let’s just say after all these years they are no where to be found, and I do mean vanished.  Yet I KNOW what God told me to do. With that knowledge I will STAND on His word, and continue to put all my faith and trust in Him, for that is what this is all about.

He is my reason for being … I now, finally get that!

He has told me that “GREAT things are coming”, and “It would be a blessing to many”.  While I continue to struggle, praying, He continues to mold this lump of clay into what He would have it to be.  I have to do my best for Him.  He paid the ultimate sacrifice with His life on Calvary for each of us. My struggles pale in comparison.

I am but the lowest of the low and just want something that will make Him proud, not of me, but to give the praise, honor and glory to God!  FOR HE IS SO DESERVING!!!

As you will read, I love analogies. It is something I can relate to and use frequently in my own life. It is especially helpful. I have found that when you are not hitting the same chord, it seems to resonate well with me, and it is effective in communicating with others.

Lynn's actual voice Recording on SHIH-TZU Miracles:    Lynn's actual voice Intro Recording: