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What My God Is To Me


I have found with God

My Pearls of Wisdom


Simplicity yet complexity is God,

He has become my all.

I am grateful, He loved me and,

gave his life for me.


I can never repay Him or thank Him enough,

I shall never stop trying.

To let Him know how much,

I love Him, and put all hope and trust in Him,

for He is so worthy.


And when I begin to think of how He loves me,

the tears begin to flow.

He actually loves me and cares for me,

But the best part is that He loves you too.

He is no respecter of persons.


I have never known such love,

It fills you up to over flowing.

It embraces and surpasses,

All you could ever hope and dream.

It is the power of the all mighty God.


That is the beauty and majesty of the one I hold so dear.

He will never leave us, and He is always right on time.

I love Him more and more.

For He truly is MY ALL!


By: Lynn Brant